Christmas Came!

Leaving Santa some milk & cookies
Sebastian in a stocking
so many presents, so little time
Mommy's favorite present Loving the motorcycle
He loved the "Cars" wrapping paper
My handsome little man
Leaving Santa some milk & cookies
Sebastian in a stocking
so many presents, so little time
Mommy's favorite present Loving the motorcycle
He loved the "Cars" wrapping paper
My handsome little man
Posted with love by Brandy at 5:08 PM 1 comments
Here's a few of the pictures from Sebastian's Christmas session with Ms Sarah, in case you missed them online. They were awesome, as always.
Posted with love by Brandy at 9:01 PM 1 comments
Sebastian went Wednesday for his 2-year checkup & Hep A vaccination. It seems that he has been sick with something or other for the last 2 months. We had just finished our 10-day stretch of antibiodics for an ear infection & Pityriasis (the Christmas tree rash) prior to the visit on Wednesday. He got an all clear on the ears which we were glad to hear. Sebastian was such a great little boy. He was so cooperative during the exam. He weighed 31 lbs and is 36 1/2" tall. Then came the Hep A shot, which actually wasn't too bad. The worst part was holding him down. He was stuck and I picked him up and it was all over. He just cried for a second...not even one tear fell. He was rewarded w/a sucker & coupon for free hamburger from McDonalds.
Thursday about lunchtime, daycare called to let me know that he had started running a temperature and was vomiting. I left right away & called Dr Dye's office. I thought that he may be having a reaction to the Hep A shot; however, I was informed that he probably just had a gastrointestinal virus that was going around. With him being at daycare, it seems that he picks up everything. Since then we having just been lying around the house, drinking lots of fluids and trying to keep the fever down. It has been running from about 100.5-102.5◦. He has his ups & downs. Hopefully, he'll be feeling better soon. We hope that we are getting all of the sicknesses out of the way in time for Christmas. Below are a few pics from our weekend.
love the union suit w/his name on the booty
looking like he's feeling better
sweet Sebastian, so precious
not feeling so good again
little ones should never have to be sick
Posted with love by Brandy at 8:31 PM 1 comments
Posted with love by Brandy at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Posted with love by Brandy at 8:40 PM 1 comments
Posted with love by Brandy at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Posted with love by Brandy at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Sebastian has officially hit the terrible two's. He has had a busy birthday weekend, beginning with his party at daycare on Friday. Mommy brought in train cupcakes to share with all his friends at daycare and he loved when everyone sang Happy Birthday. He got to be King for the Day! Mrs. Kristel even bought him one of his favorite things...a choo choo train & his first track. Now that he is a big boy, he has moved from the high chair to the big kids' table at daycare and he no longer takes his naps in a playpen...he now is sleeping on a cot like the other big kids. He received tons of compliments and was really bragged on by the staff at how well he has adjusted to the cot and the big kids' table. Daddy & I are so proud of our big boy!
On Saturday, we celebrated with a birthday party with all of our family. His train cake from Rowland Stollen Bakery was absolutely awesome. He loved it so much. He loved all the attention he received when we all sang Happy Birthday again and he blew his candle out in one big blow. I can't believe that my baby boy is now a little man with his own thoughts and ideas. It's amazing all the things that he knows and can do all by himself. My heart is so happy having him in my life; he is such a blessing!
Posted with love by Brandy at 10:00 PM 0 comments
We have been so busy this month it has been absolutely unreal. I had a great birthday! Thanks to all my well wishers for those extra birthday wishes!! What we've been up to...well my mom & I got lost in BFE trying to get to my ex-aunt's wedding on MONDAY the 13th (ex as in used to be married to my mother's brother). She is still a close family member, and afterall, she is my cousins' MOM! Below is a pic from her big day w/her new hubby Ronnie and my cousin Jonathon with his bride-to-be Chandy!
"ARGGG" Kinlee & Dyson are swashbucklin' pirates
Jayden is the sweetest witch ever
Posted with love by Brandy at 9:52 PM 0 comments
They are such dolls. I ♥ them so much! Gotta ♥ those expressions
Kinlee smashing her onion grass bouquet into Jade's hair
The 3 Musketeers
This is SO Kinlee!
This is SO Jayden!
They are each other's best buds and worst enemies!!
2 GREAT little girls
Kinlee just being Kinlee!!! ♥♥♥
Posted with love by Brandy at 7:34 PM 0 comments
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