Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Fa La La La La La La La La
After another small stretch of being sick with another sinus infection, we have managed to finally get our Christmas tree up. Well, it's up and mostly decorated. It still needs some sprucing up. I had attempted a few Sundays ago to get our tree up and had to stop before we finished because of another severe headache. Thankfully, David & Sebastian finished putting it together then Sebastian and I decorated it when I got to feeling better. I love Christmastime. We have been playing lots of Christmas music, putting out lots of decorations and eating lots of great food. We love snuggling on the couch in our flannel & fleece jammies, watching Christmas movies and scarfing down tons of chocolate chip cookies & milk. I love hot chocolate, too -- with lots & lots of marshmallow creme. That has been pretty much what we have been up to lately.
I have really been neglecting my blog...but for good reasons. That sinus infection that just won't leave me alone and lots of time with my family & friends. My sisters and I went to see New Moon, which I loved. We've been doing lots of Christmas shopping and I can truthfully say that except for one thing, Sebastian is completely bought for. His last gift just needs to be conveyed to Santa ~~
Sebastian has grown leaps & bounds lately. He still amazes me everyday with his charm & wit. He has quite the personality and is very vocal about his feelings. He has a crazy vocabulary for a 3-year-old and I'm often asked how old he is. He is just wonderful, as usual.
Well, that's about all the catching up for now. I've gotta get that crazy kiddo in bed so he can hopefully be a little less cranky in the morning when we leave for daycare. I'll leave you with a few miscellaneous pics from the past few weeks...Enjoy!!
Happy Holidays!!
Posted with love by Brandy at 8:22 PM 0 comments