Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Came!

WOW! Doesn't time fly? I can't believe another year is almost over. Well, we had a wonderful Christmas. Sebastian was so excited to see all the presents under the Christmas tree. All of the details...the Christmas tree, Santa Clause, Christmas movies, snowmen, decorations, lights...he refers to all it as Christmas or Christmas tree. When we drove around to view the lights, "kwimas! kwimas" [no "s" sound]! It is so adorable. I am so excited about him putting thoughts & ideas together and really understanding what is going on. He speaks in full sentences that we can actually understand (at least most of the time). He loved all the presents and we had a great time watching him. It is so much fun having a little one. Here are a few pics from our holiday.

The whole gang

Leaving Santa some milk & cookies

Sebastian in a stocking

so many presents, so little time

Mommy's favorite present Loving the motorcycleHe loved the "Cars" wrapping paper

My handsome little man

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Here's a few of the pictures from Sebastian's Christmas session with Ms Sarah, in case you missed them online. They were awesome, as always.

2-yr Checkup

Sebastian went Wednesday for his 2-year checkup & Hep A vaccination. It seems that he has been sick with something or other for the last 2 months. We had just finished our 10-day stretch of antibiodics for an ear infection & Pityriasis (the Christmas tree rash) prior to the visit on Wednesday. He got an all clear on the ears which we were glad to hear. Sebastian was such a great little boy. He was so cooperative during the exam. He weighed 31 lbs and is 36 1/2" tall. Then came the Hep A shot, which actually wasn't too bad. The worst part was holding him down. He was stuck and I picked him up and it was all over. He just cried for a second...not even one tear fell. He was rewarded w/a sucker & coupon for free hamburger from McDonalds.

Thursday about lunchtime, daycare called to let me know that he had started running a temperature and was vomiting. I left right away & called Dr Dye's office. I thought that he may be having a reaction to the Hep A shot; however, I was informed that he probably just had a gastrointestinal virus that was going around. With him being at daycare, it seems that he picks up everything. Since then we having just been lying around the house, drinking lots of fluids and trying to keep the fever down. It has been running from about 100.5-102.5◦. He has his ups & downs. Hopefully, he'll be feeling better soon. We hope that we are getting all of the sicknesses out of the way in time for Christmas. Below are a few pics from our weekend.

Friday night snooping under the tree

love the union suit w/his name on the booty

looking like he's feeling better

sweet Sebastian, so precious

not feeling so good again

little ones should never have to be sick

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Stephanie's Family

Last weekend my sister Stephanie wanted me to take some pics of her family. I was able to get a couple cute shots of the kids. My nieces & nephew are something special. Jayden is such a camera hog and Dyson is just "too cool" for pictures. My sweet little Kinlee wasn't very cooperate, but she smiled beautiful for me anyway.


My Reason to Blog...

Sebastian...the absolute love of my life. He is our currently only child. He is almost 3 and is as independent as they come. He loves washing his hands & swinging. He would live outside if he could. He's developing a love of thunderstorms from his Mama & Daddy. He looks adorable in flip flops. He loves talking on the phone. He has gorgeous blue eyes & dashing dimples. His favorite thing to eat is fruit or Starbursts. He sleeps with his blue snowman blanket wankwie. He loves to be tickled or chased. He loves his Mama & Daddy more than anything!

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