Sunday, November 23, 2008

Feeling the Christmas Spirit

This weekend we dug out the Christmas tree and all the decorations. Sebastian loved trimming the tree. He helped put the branches on and all the decorations. He did a wonderful job [of putting all the ornaments on one branch] ;) The tree looks good and the important thing was that Sebastian had a wonderful time. He "pretend" hugged the tree and said "I wuv you twee!" He's so cute. Oh, Sarah put up his pics from the Christmas session and they are awesome as always. Check them out on her website,! Click client proofing and enter "johnson"!
**Update on Kim:

she was still in ICU as of today, with intentions of being moved to a room. she still has an infection which is severe, that they still have not identified. white count & blood pressure is much better now. she still has stones that need to be blasted, no news on when they will be able to do that. she asked when she would be able to go home and the doctor laughed at that sounds negative on being home by Thanksgiving. keep her in your prayers. she really wants to be home with her boys during the holidays.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Football Weather

I hate this dreary cold weather. I always tell David that this is real football weather. Sounds crazy as much as I hate the cold, but when we go to football games, I like to be all snuggled in our coats and mittens with blankets and hot chocolate. Just not the same when it's warm out. hahaha Although we haven't made it to any football games this year, Sebastian and I went outside and threw the ball around a little. He loves it outside regardless of the weather. The colder weather does make me excited about the holidays. It's going to be a wonderful season!

Are you ready for some football?

Sunday, November 09, 2008


My Reason to Blog...

Sebastian...the absolute love of my life. He is our currently only child. He is almost 3 and is as independent as they come. He loves washing his hands & swinging. He would live outside if he could. He's developing a love of thunderstorms from his Mama & Daddy. He looks adorable in flip flops. He loves talking on the phone. He has gorgeous blue eyes & dashing dimples. His favorite thing to eat is fruit or Starbursts. He sleeps with his blue snowman blanket wankwie. He loves to be tickled or chased. He loves his Mama & Daddy more than anything!

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