FUN Times at the BYM

Posted with love by Brandy at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday was the 1st Annual Winter Wonderland Snow Angels Pageant. Sebastian was all decked out in his brown suede blazer and cream sweater vest by Kenneth Cole. He was very handsome and of course, he won another King title! This was the wierdest pageant we had ever done. There were no crowns and the trophies were teeny tiny. The winners got a bag of small toys and candy. Sebastian didn't care, though. He had a fun time.
Posted with love by Brandy at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Okay, now that Sebastian's all better from RSV, he's decided to be Baby Knievel! It's just one stunt to the next. He tries to pop wheelies on his 4-wheeler (yeah, literally he picks up the front end and presses the button to go and flips him and the 4-wheeler completely backward), rides standing straight up in the seat and rides backwards (I guess since it doesn't have reverse).
He will just wear you out. They say "boys will be boys", but I thought he'd be a little older. I caught him trying to climb up the changing table in his bedroom and stopped him. A few days later he was in his room and I could hear him jumping....he was on the changing table jumping up & down reaching out and yelling "uhhhhhh". My heart & stomach sank. Friday afternoon while he was home with Daddy, he was running through the house and tripped into one of his toys. Busted his eye real good - it looked horrible. A little later (the same day) at Grandma Jinner's house he busted his lip on the fireplace. My poor sweet little boy looked like he'd been beat up! Those terrible twos are coming early around our house!
Posted with love by Brandy at 8:47 PM 0 comments
This is the first full week back to work and back to daycare in 2008. Sebastian had been so sick the prior two weeks with RSV. Back before Christmas he had been sick with two ear infections and we did ALL the antibiodics and was on the road to recovery. During Christmas he began pulling on his ears again and I was afraid that we didn't get the ear infections taken care of, so the day after Christmas, Daddy took him back to see Dr. Dye. He said our ears were all clear, but he was cutting his back teeth and that was probably causing the ear pulling. He was a little congested, so he gave him something for that. So, went through another week and the congestion got worse and then we started coughing and running a fever. Our fever got to 102 on New Years night, so back to the doctor we went. He checked him all over and asked if he went to daycare. I said, "yes", so we did the RSV swab. We were waiting patiently for the results when Dr. Dye walks in with the "he's sick" look on his face and he said the words we hated to hear "He has RSV"!!! We were lucky that we got to go home and not to the hospital. We took all of our medicine and our breathing treatments every 4 hours just like we were told. After several days, we started to see an improvement. I was so glad to see my little man start to get life back into his face after being so sick. Because he had RSV, he couldn't go back to daycare for a whole week and Mommy got to stay home and love him and take care of him. I hated that he had to be sick, but I really loved getting to stay home with him and had he not been sick, we would've had such a wonderful time.
finally feeling all better
Posted with love by Brandy at 8:19 PM 0 comments
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